Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia)
Hoffman's Water X Scapes$8.99 - $14.99
Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia)
Height: Grows 1' - 4' tall
Spread: 1' - 3'
Hardiness zone: 5-10
Bloom time: June - September
Habit: Sagittaria latifolia, is known as the common arrowhead. It is one of the largest and most conspicuous of the Arrowheads. Common arrowhead gets its name from its moderate-sized, arrowhead-shaped leaves. This is a distinctive shape. Especially note the pointed lobes. Common arrowhead leaves can be 8 inches wide and more than a foot long. Common arrowhead flowers are showy and white.
- Increases Natural Filtration
- Provides shade for fish & cover for wildlife
- Marginal Pond Plant
- Winter hardy in Ohio
- Prefers full sun
- Native to Missouri
- Attracts birds
Water X Scapes offers the largest selection of Aquatic Pond Plants in Northeast Ohio!