Aeration is very important to health and appearance of your pond or lake. Oxygen is essential to the biology of a healthy pond or lake, but it’s often in short supply. When there isn’t enough oxygen, pond fish and other aquatic animals can suffocate, waste and debris can generate toxic gases, and your pond water can develop a foul odor. Installing an aeration system brings oxygen levels in your water up, helps dissipate those toxic gases, and evens out temperature and saturation levels throughout the water column. Aeration is also the most efficient way to circulate your pond water. Finally, aeration helps accelerate the decomposition of solid and dissolved wastes and debris in your pond. Aeration is the BEST way to effectively manage nutrient removal, green water and algae problems, water quality and clarity in larger lakes and earthen bottom ponds.
Hoffman’s Water X Scapes has the pond supplies and expertise to make sure you have proper pond aeration in place - with shallow and deep pond aeration systems available. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain an ecological balance in your earthen bottom pond or lake.
Are you interested in adding a beautiful floating fountain to your pond or lake? Our crew can do that too. We have a variety of floating fountains, and fountain lighting, available from Matala Water Technology, Oase Living Water, Savio/Anjon, Kasco, and can special order from AquaMaster. There are many different spray pattern nozzle attachments available to fit your needs. We install, maintain, and service pond and lake aeration and floating fountains.
We also have winter services available where we can store and perform routine maintenance on your floating fountain(s).
Read Atlantic's "Pond & Lake Management" brochure to learn more about the importance of aeration. Not only does is discuss the importantance of pond aeration but it goes over how to properly size your aeration system as well as all the different components that are involved.
Learn what makes up an earthen bottom pond and more about what makes a pond a 'lake' HERE.
Have any questions? Call for more information or to schedule your appointment today, 330-896-9811.