Water X Scapes Blog

Keeping Fish Out Of Pond Skimmers

Keeping Fish Out Of Pond Skimmers

“How do I Keep my Fish Out of the Pond Skimmer?”This is a very common question, so do not think that you are alone on this.  Below are the 3 most common reasons your fish might be going into the skimmer box and how to prevent it.1. Chasi...
Acclimate New Koi or Fish to a New Pond

Acclimate New Koi or Fish to a New Pond

Properly acclimating your new koi and other fish to your pond is very important! When acclimating your new fish, the goal is to decrease the stress as much as possible. We do this by gradually allowing them to get used to your pond water’s tempe...
How Many Fish Is Too Many In My Pond?

How Many Fish Is Too Many In My Pond?

You just finished building this awesome pond and one of the first things you want to do is add some koi and other beautiful pond fish. These fish will soon turn into pets with names and are fun to watch, bringing a lot of enjoyment to your day. Whi...