Why Not Kill Early Spring Algae?
Well, Spring has sprung! Daffodils and perennial flowers are popping up showing us the signs of Spring!
Our fish emerged from their cave this past week and began the ritual of begging for food. There’s plenty of hair algae and planktonic algae to munch on if they’re hungry enough, though. This algae is much gentler on their digestive tract than processed fish food from a bag or jar at this time of year.
Fish are cold-blooded, so their body temperature changes with the surrounding water temperature. Our pond’s water was 45°F last Monday, meaning their digestive systems are still very slow after months of dormancy. High-protein fish foods can harm them when not digested quickly enough. If undigested food lingers too long, it can begin to decay, leading to bacterial infections and other potentially fatal problems....
Fish waste is primarily ammonia (NH3), a form of nitrogen. Ammonia in very small quantities, as little as .25 parts per million, start to do damage to fish. In higher concentrations permanent damage may occur. Ammonia at higher temperatures becomes more harmful. Ammonia in higher pH water, becomes exponentially toxic.
If your fish are or become active, but then become lethargic, gather around the aerator bubbles or under the waterfalls, gasp for air at the surface or flash, I would recommend testing your water for ammonia with Ammonia Test Strips or an Ammonia Liquid Test Kit. If ammonia is present several things can be done to help protect your fish.
- Use Pond Basic’s Ammonia Neutralizer or Microbe Lift Dry Ammonia Remover. This will not remove the ammonia, but it will convert it to an un-toxic form - ammonium (NH4+). Keep an eye on the pH. Even after using one of these products, test results will continue to show ammonia because the testers show Total Ammonia Nitrogen.
Shortly after treating your pond, the fish should start acting normal again. The fish will tell you through their actions whether their habitat is OK.
- A partial water change, 10 to 15 percent, can help to dilute the ammonia and make it a little less harmful. You do not want to change the water temperature too fast or more than 5 degrees. Changing the temperature too fast can stress fish even more. Additional stress can cause other issues. Make sure you use a de-chlorinator such as Pond Water Conditioner or Super De-chlorinator Plus if you have city water.
- Do additional water changes after waiting a while. Remember, you do not want to change the water temperature too fast or more than 5 degrees. Changing the temperature too fast can stress fish even more. Additional stress can cause other issues that may cause the death of some of your fish. Make sure you use a de-chlorinator/water conditioner.
- Add Hornwort in mid to late March, or as soon as it is available. The hornwort will start consuming the ammonia and protect your fish. As temperatures increase, other aquatic plants in the pond with start to grow and use the ammonia, improving water quality.
- Once water temperatures get around 55 degrees, start adding Pond Basics Fall/Spring Pond Treatment and Pond Basics Starter Dry Bacteria or Microbe Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner
Back to the original question, why not kill the algae???
One of alga favorite forms of food is ammonia. So, this alga is protecting your fish from ammonia poisoning, particularly during this time of year. Don’t be in too big of a hurry to kill off the algae. Instead remove the hair/string algae with a Pond Shark Net, a (unused) toilet brush, or even just your hands. This accomplishes a couple things. It removes the algae (pond looks better) and it removes the nutrients (algae needs nutrients to grow).
Before starting to kill off the alga, make sure you have good aeration. The circulatory pump should be up and running as well as the aerator. Your biological filter has been prepped and seeded with bacteria once water temperatures are around 55 degrees and expected to go up. Give your biological filter a chance to cycle or mature (3 to 6 weeks) before treating your pond for algae. More information is coming.