Landon Aquatic Fertilizer

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$2.99 - $7.99
  • Granular Fertilizer
  • Helps produce beautiful plant growth
  • Organic and Inorganic Ingredients
  • 12-20-8 Formula
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Landon Aquatic Fertilizer

Landon Aquatic Fertilizer is a granular formula that utilizes a 'binary’ technology. It was created by world renown hybridizer, Kenneth Landon and helps to produce some of the most beautiful plants ever grown. Landon Fertilizer is a combination of both organic and inorganic ingredients that work with one another to create remarkable results. 

This formula requires very strict adherence to directions for use:

Combine the appropriate amount of fertilizer with soil and fill your container three quarters full. Add the tuber and cover with unfertilized soil. Cover with gravel and place in your pond. Typically, this fertilization method should be sufficient for 60 to 90 days.

Following are some recommended ratios for use:

  • Professional Maximum Strength 90 Days:
    2.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal. Soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 50)
    This ratio is used to increase soil mass or pot size on completely undisturbed rooted, potted nymphaea for optimum results.
  • Full Strength 60 Days:
    2.0 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal. Soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 64)
    This ratio is used for nymphaea re-potting using recently dug or uprooted plants with minor to extensive root injury.
  • General Purpose Strength 45 Days:
    1.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 85)
    This ratio is used for nymphaea re-potting emphasizing germinating tropical tubers from resting state and including germinating juvenile rhizomes.
  • Seedling Starter Mix Strength:
    1.0 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 128)
  • Marginal Mix Strength:
    0.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 250)

"Professional, Full and General-Purpose Strength ratio mixes are enhanced and recommended to be used in the lower 75% of the planting container. Top dressing, the remaining 25% of the container volume, should be unfertilized soil. Best results are realized in any fertilizer to soil mix with ambient water temperature ranging from 60º to 90º. The use of LANDON 7803 fertilizer enables the water gardener and the professional grower to obtain exceptional plant production with the minimum of soil mass per plant compared to other mixes. Large to average size tropical nymphaea perform with excellent results using 10 to 20 gallons of fertilized soil. Small tropical or hardy lilies perform with excellent results using 5 – 10 gallons of fertilized soil. Marginal aquatics in one-gallon containers often remain in excellent condition through- out the season (5 months). All water lilies needing additional fertilization to lengthen their season duration or which have become pot-bound should either be re-potted in Professional or Full-Strength ratios or use a follow-up regime including PONDTABBS® as per the manufacturer’s suggestions."