Closing down your pond, water feature, or fountain for winter properly will save you a lot of time and energy in the spring when it comes to starting your feature back up. If you do not want to close down or winterize your own water feature that's where we come in.
Winterizing is typically done by Hoffman's Water X Scapes in late October or November.
*Winter pond supplies, like de-icers, aerators, replacement parts, pond netting, fountain covers, etc. are be available for purchase.
*Pumps, floating fountains, and pond plants can be stored and maintained at Hoffman’s Water X Scapes during the winter months for a fee.
Our Process Used to Shut Down your Pond for Winter:
We suggest to STOP feeding your koi and other pond fish for the winter months as soon as your pond is winterized or when water temperatures are 50°F and below – whichever happens first.
1. Remove, clean, and prepare your pump for storage
a. We recommend storing your pump in a bucket of distilled water somewhere it won’t freeze (basements and garages are good places)
b. Pumps can be winterized and stored at Hoffman’s Water X Scapes during winter*
2. Clean pond filters and prepare filter media for storage
3. Remove all tropical pond plants, including water hyacinth and water lettuce
a. Some tropical pond plants can be brought indoors and treated like house plants
b. We can winter over pond plants at Hoffman’s Water X Scapes*
4. Prepare all other aquatic plants for winter
5. Observe koi and other pond fish for any signs of disease or other problems – making recommendations if needed
6. Install a pond de-icer and aerator, if necessary
7. Cover your pond and streams with netting to keep leaves and other debris out
Our Process Used to Winterize your Pondless Water Feature:
1. Remove, clean, and prepare your pump (and fittings) for storage
a. We recommend storing your pump in a bucket of distilled water somewhere it won’t freeze (basements and garages are good places)
b. Pumps can be winterized and stored at Hoffman’s Water X Scapes during winter*
2. Cover your water feature if necessary
Our Process Used to Winterize your Yard Fountain:
1. Remove, clean, and prepare your pump (and fittings) for storage
a. We recommend storing your pump in a bucket of distilled water somewhere it won’t freeze (basements and garages are good places)
b. Pumps can be winterized and stored at Hoffman’s Water X Scapes during winter*
2. Clean and dry fountain pieces thoroughly
3. Install your fountain cover for protection through winter months
a. If you do not have a fountain cover, we will have them available for purchase*
Have any questions? Call for more information or to schedule your appointment today, 330-896-9811.
• A Checklist for Preparing your Pond for Winter
• The Pros and Cons of Running Your Pond Pump all Winter: What We Suggest
• What Happens to the Frogs in my Pond During the Winter?
• How to Keep Pond Fish Alive in Winter: A Guide to the Winter Fish Life in a Pond
• Learn how Pond Thermometers play an Important Role in the Health of your Pond
• Koi Fish Winter Survival: Why We STOP Feeding Fish During Winter
• Learn Why Pond Aeration is Important if you have Fish - Especially during Winter