Water Lettuce (Pistia stratoites)

Cannot be shipped to AK, AL, CA, FL, HI, LA, MS, PR, SC, TX, WI

Marked Invasive By State of Ohio

  • Absorbs excess nutrients from your water
  • Promotes clean water
  • Increases natural filtration
  • Provides shelter for fish
  • Help prevent algae
  • Floating pond plant
  • Tropical pond plant in Ohio
  • Prefers full sun - partial shade

Due to the State of Ohio adding Water Lettuce (Pistia stratoites) as an invasive species of aquatic plant, we can no longer provide this item.

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Water Lettuce (Pistia stratoites)

Water Lettuce is an aquatic plant that's also known as water cabbage, Nile cabbage, and shellflower.  Water Lettuce is a tropical pond plant that loves temperatures between 70-80F (22-30C). We recommend that your water temperature is 65 degrees (and warmer) before adding Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce to your pond.  It does not fare well in the cold and prefers slightly acidic water in the pH range of 6.5-7.2.  Water Lettuce is a great water filtering plant. It is considered a hyperaccumulator; absorbing nutrients and heavy metals from the water.

Bloom times: Foliage plant all season
Hardiness zone: 9-11
Height: 2”-6”
Fertilization: Absorbed from your water!
Cultivation: Floats on the water’s surface with roots hanging below.
Habit: Pale, blue-green, velvety leaves. They multiply quickly so be sure to separate & thin.

Using a round feeder or plant ring (like this one) will help keep your floating plants together and out of your pond's skimmer box.  

**Cannot be shipped to AK, AL, CA, FL, HI, LA, MS, PR, SC, TX, WI